Dec 05, · Why Marijuana Should Remain Illegal I believe that marijuana should continue to remain illegal. I believe there are more benefits if marijuana is kept illegal than if it were to be legalized. I believe marijuana should remain illegal because it impacts health negatively, it can be addictive and it would negatively impact society The reasons why Marijuana was made illegal were because the the public were never informed about the real uses of Marijuana. Marijuana also known as Hemp Based on the conclusion made by the US National Institutes of Health, marijuana should remain illegal. Although it does have many medicinal benefits - including improving the appetite in chemotherapy and AIDS patients, reducing muscle spasms associated with epilepsy and multiple sclerosis, and alleviating eye pressure in glaucoma patients - there is no proof that marijuana is the most
Why Marijuana Should Be Illegal Research Example | Graduateway
Why Marijuana Should Remain Illegal I believe that marijuana should continue to remain illegal. I why marijuana should be illegal essay there are more benefits if marijuana is Marijuana Many people argue about how marijuana should become legal, because it has been proven that is less harmful and addictive then alco English 9 May Should Marijuana be Illegal? Cannabis Sativa is a Schedule 1 controlled substance.
This drug has been known to treat Why marijuana should be legalized in the United States I believe that marijuana should be legalized in the United States. Below here I will explai Say Yes to Recreational Weed When you think of the legal status of marijuana, what comes to mind?
K-9 units, police raids, FBI drug busts, crimin Why Marijuana over Tobacco - English Persuasive Essay About 50 percent of why marijuana should be illegal essay college freshmen have admitted to using marijuana.
And about Discover great essay examples why marijuana should be illegal essay research papers for your assignments. Our library contains thousands of carefully selected free research papers and essays. No matter the topic you're researching, chances are we have it covered. Sign Up. Sign In. Sign Up Sign In, why marijuana should be illegal essay. Tyler Wyrick Ms. Russo English Some go on vacation and spend money while others look to drugs.
The sense of high that results from using marijuana acts as why marijuana should be illegal essay escape from the stresses of everyday life.
As a result, a tremendous number of Americans participate in the illicit use of marijuana, why marijuana should be illegal essay. Our American society is facing a tremendous drug problem that will increase exponentially by the legalization of this drug. Marijuana should be illegal because it will cause an increase in drug users and drug related crimes, the short term and long term effects of marijuana on the body, and the effect it will have on the country.
One of the consequences of legalization would be a tremendous increase in marijuana users. Right now with the use of illicit why marijuana should be illegal essay comes the fear of law enforcement agents and punishment causes individuals to be too scared to try marijuana.
However, if weed become legalized, the fear becomes nonexistent and the number of users skyrockets. Legalized marijuana provides an ease of access to the drug, which in turn, promotes an increase in sales and use. An increase in marijuana use will also result in an increase in drug related crimes. Supporters of the legalization of weed believe that crime and violence would decrease if the drug is legal.
Statistics show that forty percent of those arrested for committing a crime tested positive for the use of drugs at the time of their arrest. Making drugs more readily available could potentially propel more individuals into a life of crime and violence. Many marijuana users turn to crime to pay for their habit.
They are stimulated by drugs and therefore act violently. Sold legally, marijuana will become easy for users to buy it around the corner, which would increase the already existing problem of crime. It is mentioned by Forbes that every year drug lords make billions of dollars from marijuana business, and those promoting legalization believe it will wipe out their major sources of funds.
Drug use is a matter of supply and demand. As long as demand exists, someone is going to supply it either legally or illegally. Supporters of legalization believe that if the government regulates drugs such as marijuana by imposing taxes, then the black market will be eliminated.
Not many users can afford to buy high priced drugs such as marijuana. As a result, people will be forced to go to drug gangs who sell marijuana under the market price. In addition, children and teenagers will obviously be banned from purchasing marijuana, just as they are prohibited from buying beer and liquor. Nevertheless, there will be drug pushers who will continue to encourage the youth and try to get them hooked to marijuana.
Hence, legalization of marijuana will encourage a growing criminal black market. Marijuana is also very bad for ones overall health. Persistent use will damage lungs and airways and raise the risk of cancer. There is just as much exposure to cancer-causing chemicals from smoking one marijuana joint as smoking five tobacco cigarettes.
There is evidence that marijuana may limit the ability of the immune system to fight infection and disease.
This drug also causes severe side effects to the brain and body. Smoking marijuana can cause a person to lose their memory. Marijuana also has many short-term psychological and physical effects. These reactions usually last for three to five hours after a person has smoked marijuana. Mainly THC causes such changes, why marijuana should be illegal essay. Many people usually smoke marijuana in cigarettes or pipes, but it also can be mixed with food and beverages.
The concentration of the marijuana can affect how a person reacts to using the drug. The effects of a marijuana high vary from person to person and from one time to another in the same individual. In most cases, the high consists of a dreamy relaxed state in which users seem more aware of their senses and feel that time is moving slowly.
Sometimes however, marijuana produces a feeling of panic and dread. The different reactions result partly from the concentration of THC in the marijuana.
Long-term effects of marijuana are not completely known, why marijuana should be illegal essay, but studies have shown that some people who have used marijuana regularly for several months or longer have developed serious long-term problems. Among males, marijuana use can reduce the production of sperm and the male sex hormone testosterone. Among females, marijuana can cause menstrual irregularity and reduced fertility.
Extended use of marijuana also has a long-term psychological effect on many people. These individuals lose interest in everything.
They become unmotivated and detached. Another impact on health is that marijuana is a gateway drug, why marijuana should be illegal essay.
People that smoke marijuana for why marijuana should be illegal essay first time feel that bringing themselves to actually try pot is the hardest part. Once their attitude on drug use is changed people will not hesitate to experiment with new harder drugs just as they did with marijuana, why marijuana should be illegal essay. The Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University found adolescents who smoke pot 85 times more likely to use cocaine than their non—pot smoking peers.
A user of marijuana will eventually want to feel a new or better high causing them to resort to drugs that have much more of a negative effect on the body. Not all drug users will immediately begin using heroin, but once they are taking drugs it is very difficult for them to quit.
For some, it will begin with simple painkillers and then possibly cocaine. With each step further into the world of drugs the user will find it harder to return. The high becomes an escape from reality. It becomes a release from the pressures of everyday life. With time, the period between highs becomes shortened due to the inability for users to face daily tasks. Soon, they become addicts living for the next high. Next, legalization is neither a reasonable nor rational policy for this country.
One of the biggest concerns about the legalization argument is the mixed message it sends to our young people. The legalization will imply a nonjudgmental attitude about drugs.
By focusing time and resources on the dangers of marijuana use, we are setting ourselves up for a better society as a whole. Reducing societal acceptance why marijuana should be illegal essay weed use would allow Americans to raise a generation that could make a healthy contribution to the country.
Then, the thought of job opportunities could be an issue. Think about the hundreds of thousands of others who are daily and heroically involved in the continuous war on drugs.
Police officers, who are constantly meeting their quota by busting marijuana related crimes, would now have to sit back and watch the future of America get high on the streets hoping they wont continue on in to the drug world. Marijuana is illegal for many reasons. Most of the people that are pro-legalization will not use it for medical use or are at all interested in this nations economy.
The ugly truth is that most want it legal merely because they want to use it. The drug problem America faces now would severely increase if marijuana were legalized. The war on drugs would just be getting started. Works cited Joseph C. Gfroerer, Li-Tzy Wu, and Michael A. Noël Merino. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center.
Sam Houston State University. Jamuna Carroll. San Diego: Greenhaven Press,
Surprising truths about legalizing cannabis - Ben Cort - TEDxMileHigh
, time: 14:21Why Marijuana Should Be Illegal -

Oct 10, · writers online. The first legalization of marijuana was in by the states of Colorado and Washington. Marijuana is part of the Schedule 1 drugs, which is defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. But for Colorado and Washington, allowing the legalization has brought a lot of positivity towards the drug, and potential to legalize it everywhere Medical marijuana is illegal for use in most states today, but sometimes people use it because they are ill and know the drug can help them. The drug is illegal so it is impossible to get a hold of it even though it can help. This is why there is a push to legalize medical May 29, · Marijuana slows and stops the spread of cancer cells. A study found that Cannabidiol can turn off a gene called Id-1 and can therefore stop cancer. A report by researchers at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco also indicated that Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
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