Monday, May 31, 2021

Essay of student life

Essay of student life

essay of student life

 · Essay on students life + words Introductions. The student life – The student life is the most important life of every social being. It is the period of learning something new about the about the world, it is also said the golden periods of time. Student life is the starting phase that every learners are so excited and energetic to learn the new things in school life Student Life Essay – The student life is the period of life we spend in educational institutions in acquiring knowledge. It is the time for having prepared for struggle in later life. It is called the seedtime (বীজ বপন করার সময়) of human life, as our achievements in life depend on our performance in our student blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins  · Essay on Life for Students and Children + Words Essay on Life First of all, Life refers to an aspect of existence. This aspect processes acts, evaluates, and evolves through blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins

Student Life Essay & Paragraph For Junior Students | Ontaheen

Student Life Essay — The student life is the period of life we spend in educational institutions in acquiring knowledge, essay of student life. It is the time for having prepared for struggle in later life. It is called the seedtime বীজ বপন করার সময় of human life, as our achievements in life depend on our performance in our student life.

The first and foremost duty of a student is to gather knowledge. In this period a student prepares himself for different duties in the future. In schools, colleges, and universities teachers help them to equip themselves with necessary qualities.

If this period is neglected they are sure to suffer. Along with the coursework they should also try to acquire knowledge about the current affairs and all sorts of important issues. Having an extended reading and building a reading habit will help them throughout their life.

A student should also take proper care of his health. A man without a sound health cannot prosper in any field. So it is necessary to maintain good health. For this purpose taking regular nutritious food, having proper physical exercise and maintaining good habits of cleanliness is very much necessary.

A student needs to make the best use of his lime. He must not confine himself to his class books only. He should read other good and informative books, newspapers, magazines, and periodicals, essay of student life, too.

Students will be the future leaders of the nation. They are the hope and strength of a nation. So, this time should be used essay of student life যথাযথভাবে in constructive গঠনমূলক and preparatory প্রস্তুতিমূলক activities for ensuring নিশ্চিত করা a bright future.

Student Life Paragraph — Students are the future leaders of a nation. After equipping themselves fully with education, they need to come forward to serving the nation for the betterment উন্নতি. To this end এই উদ্দেশ্যে it is imperative জরুরী that they get a clear idea about the society and the social problems. It can also be expected that they will devote উৎসর্গ themselves in serving সেবা করা the society from the beginning.

There is enough scope for the students to serve society. Bangladesh is beset with many problems. The major ones are illiteracy, population growth, unemployment, superstition, lack of health and sanitation, terrorism, natural calamities etc. Students can play an active role in removing some of the social problems. For this, they need not hamper their studies. They can serve society in their spare times and long vacations.

It is called the sowing season of life. During this period, a student must cultivate some good qualities for a bright future. The first and foremost duty of a student is to acquire knowledge. But, he must not confine himself to the prescribed books only. He must read a newspaper, magazines, nobles, dramas during his leisure.

This kind of reading will widen their mental horizon and enable them to be acquainted with many things of the world. Moreover, he should follow some rules and regulations. He should not waste valuable time. He should attend his class regularly. We know that good health is the key to success. To be successful in life, a student must take care of his health.

To keep his body fit, he should take regular physical exercise. Because physical exercise helps to keep good health. A student has also some duties to the people of the society. We know that most of the people in our country are poor and illiterate. A student can teach the illiterate people. He can help the villagers to change their poor condition. He can teach them about family planning, health, nutrition, children rising and scientific method of cultivation etc.

During natural calamities, people need help. In a time of flood, famine, cyclone, earthquake, and epidemic students should come forward to help the affected people. They should collect food, clothes, medicine etc. and distribute them amongst the affected people. A student should respect his parents and teachers. He should be well-behaved, punctual and disciplined in every sphere of life.

He must abide by the rules and regulations of his institution. He must be gentle and amiable. He must also avoid the evil company.

A student life is a time when he sows of his future life. So, he should prepare his lessons regularly and proper use of time. She should not waste time idly. A student should bear in mind that if he essay of student life not perform his duties in time, essay of student life, he will suffer in the long run. Student Life Essay — Introduction: The student life is the period of life we spend in educational institutions in acquiring knowledge.

It is called the seedtime of human life, as our achievements in life depend on our performance in our student life. Study is the Foremost Duty: The first and foremost duty of a student is to essay of student life knowledge.

In schools, colleges, and universities, teachers help them to equip themselves with necessary. Besides, the coursework they should also try to acquire knowledge about the current affairs and all sorts of important issues. Having an extended Pamo reading and building a reading habit will help them throughout their life. Proper Use of Time: A student needs to make the best use of his time. He should read other good and informative books, essay of student life, newspapers, magazines, and periodicals too.

Acquiring Virtues: Student life is the best time to prepare oneself. A student should also strive to furnish himself with virtues like sincerity, timeliness, loyalty, fraternity, and truthfulness.

He should also avoid evil company and keep only good friends. Participation in Political Activities: It is important for the students to be aware of the political situation and problems of the country but they should not get involved in political programme unless it is for any major national importance.

Conclusion: Students will be the future leaders of the nation. So, this time should be used properly যথাযথভাবে in essay of student life গঠনমূলক and preparatory প্রস্তুতিমূলক activities for ensuring a bright future. Student Life Essay — Student life is the seed-time of a person. That is why this life is the life of work, of duties and responsibilities if the latter part of life is to be a life of achievement and success. But what exactly are the duties of this life?

Giving a satisfactory answer to this question needs a rather lengthy discussion. The first essay of student life foremost đùty of any student, as everyone opines, essay of student life, is to study. These are, undoubtedly, the primary source of knowledge for students.

Since these are pre-planned and prepared according to their specific needs, they should first learn from them, essay of student life. A wide range of another reference as well as non-reference books, magazines, articles etc, however, may well be considered equally important in this regard. The study is the worship of a student. And so, study demands the first essay of student life from any student, essay of student life. But studying does not imply only going through something.

It necessarily means a thorough understanding of something in its context, so that there may be no undesirable gap between knowing and being able to apply what has been known. But such essay of student life is only possible when acquiring knowledge becomes a part of the practical life, or, in other words, goes hand in hand with applying it.

Hence the need for discipline, punctuality, and self-will. Every student, for the sake of acquiring knowledge and applying it to real-life situations, must work and behave in a systematic way.

This requires that they follow the rules of discipline and punctuality to the letter. This calls for their social involvements as well. Apart from the study-related and social activities, a student has some family activities too, because the first field where knowledge acquired is to be applied is the family. Essay of student life all other duties, we can aver, essay of student life paramount duty of a student should be to continue learning things and simultaneously applying them in real-life situations.

And in no way should there be over-indulgence in anything which could sub-optimize this objective. Because, when the learning-applying nexus is considered anew from another point of view, it is to be believed that action is perfectly fruitful only when it is based on proper studies.

Therefore, the main duties of a student are to study, study, and study—sometimes from books, and sometimes from actions. Topics: Introduction, Importance, Duties, Voluntary work, Result of negligence, Conclusion. So to speak, it is the most important and happiest period of human life.

Students are the hopes of a nation.

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Student Life is Golden Life Essay for Children | PDF Download

essay of student life

Essay on My School Life for Students and Children + Words Essay on My School Life Our school life is always the best time of our lives. Furthermore, it is the only time where I can meet my blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Essay student of on problems life. It can also be called an autobiographical essay but no in the pure form where you provide the reader with autobiographical details – blogger.comess, sorrow, victory, defeat, day-night are the two sides of the me, with students as the target population, I will talk about the type of stress students are facing, the importance of studying student’s stress and compare the way optimists and pessimists cope of a working student  · Essay on Student Life Student life is considered as the golden part of life as it is the phase of life when one enjoys the most. This is because student life is free from worldly ties and worries. During this stage of life, a person is least bothered about what’s happening in the world and he’s only concerned about his happiness and blogger.comted Reading Time: 1 min

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