A persuasive essay is a type of academic essay assigned to students of all grades and levels. It requires strong evidence and sound reasoning to convince the reader to accept a particular point of view. Therefore, persuasive essay writing is considered as a big challenge. Similarly, it also requires you to follow a proper format and outline to get through the essay writing process Persuasive Essay Outline (5 paragraph essay) 1. Introduction paragraph: A. Get the readers attention by using a “hook”. Pull your audience in! i. Quote, Fact, something interesting to start essay B. Give some background information about topic. Explain what the topic is and why it is controversial or important to you The outline usually looks the following way: Introductory paragraph. It includes a motivator and a thesis sentence. You can use a generalization, a quotation or an First body paragraph. The first paragraph of the essay should be opened with a topic sentence. Essentially, it’s a Second body
Persuasive Essay Outline — HCC Learning Web
This approach to writing an essay may seem formulaic or restrictive. However, if you are justing getting started writing academic papers or are out of practice, this technique will give you a good start! Gives background information on the topic. Includes the THESIS STATEMENT which:. Viewpoint what you plan to say about the topic. BODY PARAGRAPH 1. Begins with a topic sentence that:.
After the topic sentence, you need to fill the paragraph with well-organized details, facts, and examples. Paragraph may end with a transition. BODY PARAGRAPH 2.
BODY PARAGRAPH 3. Echoes the THESIS STATEMENT but does not repeat it. Poses a question for the future, suggests some action to be taken, or warns of a consequence. Ends with a strong image — or a humorous or surprising statement. Ohio State University Library put together this very helpful guide on how to choose and narrow a topic for your paper:. Narrow Down Your Topic.
Include the limits of your argument, and an idea of the main points you will use to support your thesis. More help with Thesis Statements is available on this page from Rasmussen 5 paragraph persuasive essay Library. Use articles in databases when you need information about a very recent event. Current events, issues of the day, and arguments on controversial topics are discussed in the following specialized databases:.
This guide is based on a handout created by the Bronx Campus Student Success Center. Visit the WRC for additional help. It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results.
Library Home Catalog Research Guides Databases My Monroe Welcome to the Monroe College Libraries. Monroe College Monroe College LibGuides Structuring the Five-Paragraph Essay Home Enter Search Words Search. Structuring the Five-Paragraph Essay: Home A handy guide created by the Bronx Campus Writing Resource Center. Home Examples of Five-Paragraph Essays. Structuring the Five-Paragraph Essay I, 5 paragraph persuasive essay. Includes the THESIS STATEMENT which: 1 States the main ideas of the essay and includes: a.
Topic b. Viewpoint what you plan to say about the topic 2 Is more general than supporting data 3 May mention the main point of each of the body paragraphs II. BODY PARAGRAPH 1 A. Begins with a topic sentence that: 1 States the main point of the paragraph 2 Relates to the THESIS STATEMENT B.
BODY PARAGRAPH 2 A. BODY PARAGRAPH 3 A. Begins with a topic sentence that: 3 States the main point 5 paragraph persuasive essay the paragraph 4 Relates to the THESIS STATEMENT B. Proofread with SWAPS Proofreading with SWAPS Sentence Structure: 5 paragraph persuasive essay sure that every sentence in paragraph supports topic sentence. Avoid run-on sentences. Avoid sentence fragments. Use commas after items in lists except for the last item.
Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction. Check homophones. Capitalize proper nouns. Be sure apostrophes are used 5 paragraph persuasive essay contractions and possessives. Choosing or Narrowing Your Topc Ohio State University Library put together this very helpful guide on how to choose and narrow a topic for your paper: Narrow Down Your Topic. What is a Thesis Statement? Searching Current Events Use articles in databases when you need information about a very recent event.
It takes a while for books to be published. Current events, issues of the day, and arguments on controversial topics are discussed in the following specialized databases: InfoTrac Custom Newspapers Gale National Newspapers Premier ProQuest National Newspaper Index Gale Newspaper Source EBSCO. You can find more articles here:. About this Guide: This guide is based on a handout created by the Bronx Campus Student Success Center. Report a problem.
Subjects: Writing, 5 paragraph persuasive essay. Tags: essays 5 paragraph persuasive essay, five-paragraph essaywriting, 5 paragraph persuasive essay.
Persuasive Essay Writing
, time: 7:30The Ultimate Guide to the 5-Paragraph Essay

A persuasive essay is a type of academic essay assigned to students of all grades and levels. It requires strong evidence and sound reasoning to convince the reader to accept a particular point of view. Therefore, persuasive essay writing is considered as a big challenge. Similarly, it also requires you to follow a proper format and outline to get through the essay writing process · The 5 paragraph essay format is the most common essay a student can be faced with. The name is a result of the five paragraph structure: one introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph 5 Paragraph Persuasive Essay Example Why Women Should Not Have an Abortion Many women in the entire world have abortions. Women believe there are many reasons to abort such as fear of having or raising a child, rape, or not having enough money. But whatever the situation, there is never an acceptable reason to get an abortion
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