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Cause and effect essay on smoking

Cause and effect essay on smoking

cause and effect essay on smoking

Jul 30,  · Smoking affects the body by turning the skin color yellow, producing an odor, and making the skin age faster. “ Smoking also causes diseases such as coronary heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and lung cancer” (Mehta) main cause of smoking is psychological which seems to be a very important factor for people to get the habit. One of the psychological situations which drive people to smoke is low self. In addition on the point is smoking causes disease and is a slow way to die Among the bad effect of smoking is smoker will be addicted, it can trigger discipline, affect the health and waste the money. First effect of smoking is it will make smoker become addicted to it. This is because, cigarettes have tobacco contains nicotine and it will causes addiction. Nicotine alters the balance of chemicals in your brain

Smoking Essay: The Effects of Smoking on Health and Social Care -

Please join StudyMode to read the full document. The Causes and Effects of Smoking One of the most common problems today that are killing people, all over the world, is smoking. Many people start this horrible habit because of stress, personal issues and peer pressure. Some begin from simply cause and effect essay on smoking curious. One cigarette can result in smoking others, which can lead to major addiction.

When someone smokes a cigarette they are not only hurting themselves, but others around them. Smoking does many horrible things to the human body that most people are not aware of. Almost everyone knows that smoking causes cancer, emphysema, and heart disease; that it can shorten your life by 10 years or more; and that the habit can cost a smoker thousands of dollars a year. So, why people are still smoking? The answer is obviously, addiction, cause and effect essay on smoking.

Smoking is a hard habit to break because tobacco contains nicotine, which is highly addictive. There are several effects and causes of smoking ; the causes of smoking are influence by peers and stress whereas the effects are wide range of diseases and in pregnant women which may result in serious health risks for both the woman and the foetus.

First of all, teenagers smoke because they want to fit in with a particular group at school. Friends can be very convincing at influencing Smoking is Unhealthy for Everyone Smoking cigarettes is hazardous to the body for many reasons, and it also affects not only human beings but our environment.

Smoking cigarettes can be harmful to both the environment and humans because of the many chemicals and substances that produce this hazardous product. Smoking cigarettes reduces your ability to do things that require endurance, such as sports, and exercise.

The tar in the cigarettes covers up alveoli, which help you breathe, which makes for less surface area for gas exchange. So the effect that has on sports is that you will get tired quicker due to the lack of oxygen, cause and effect essay on smoking, which inevitably reduces your endurance, cause and effect essay on smoking.

This causes you to become tired and you do not have the energy to fulfil the sport you are playing such as basketball, baseball, football,etc. Smoking cigarettes can also make you tired when you are trying to exercise. You start to become weary when you are trying to run on the treadmill, or even when lifting weights. Smoking cigarettes make you lose your breathe faster and you become weak to even finish your minimum amount of exercising routine. You can become ill because you feel nausea or weak, and this can cause you to faint.

Exercising is necessary when you want to be healthy and fit It is well known for being cause and effect essay on smoking on every single pack of cigarettes sold in America and in other countries as well. It is mandatory for this message to be printed on every pack because of how serious the effects of smoking are and how easy it is to become addicted to smoking them.

There are millions of campaigns and advertisements against cigarette smoking communicating to the world that this terrible habit causes many illnesses ultimately leading to death. But a threat to health obviously does not seem to be a good enough reason for people to quit anymore, people somehow block this important information and ignore all of the possible consequences they are facing themselves with when they continue to smoke.

The purpose of this essay is to discuss some of the many effects of cigarette smokingincluding the broadly mentioned possibility of developing cancer or dying. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death for both men and women. Cigarette smoking is directly responsible for 87 percent of lung cancer cases in the United States annually.

Both non small cell lung cancer and small lung cancer can be caused July 6, Eng Causes and Effects of Smoking Scientists and health officials have been arguing the detrimental effects smoking has on our health for many years. Each day about a thousand young people become regular smokers President Barack Obama. Smoking can lead to serious complications including asthma, pancreas, lung and stomach cancer due to the large number of carcinogens cancer causing chemicals and other various substances added to it.

Smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease and premature death globally Fecko. It is a health hazard for both smokers and non-smokers and it is especially harmful to unborn babies.

Although smokers claim that it helps them to relax and release stress, the negative aspects of the habit take over the positive.

Cigarette smoking among adults has remained at about As it has been stressed by the scientists and experts, there are some very severe reasons of smoking but its crucial consequences should also be taken into consideration.

There are many causes which make people smoke, however it can be divided into two main causes : physical and psychological. First cause which is English Cause and Effect of Smoking The first time I heard a speech about the effects of smokingI was in fifth grade.

I well remember Deputy Becerra talking about the warnings against smoking. After the presentation, for days, I kept contemplating on the subject and the effects. I asked myself, why would anybody be tempted or drawn to light up that cigarette? It did not make any sense to me. Five years later, at the age of fifteen, I tried cause and effect essay on smoking first cigarette. Since then, cause and effect essay on smoking, seventeen years have gone by.

Our world is progressing at the speed of light. We are having technological breakthroughs, new discoveries in the world of Medicine. It is the modern revolution of growth and development. If anyone was watching us from outer space, they would say that we have a brilliant mastermind. Why then can our brilliant mastermind stop us from killing ourselves by lighting up a nicotine stick, and inhaling over 4, chemicals, in which 69 of them cause and effect essay on smoking known to cause cancer?

What is it about smokingthat hundreds of thousands of people are drawn to do it, cause and effect essay on smoking, despite health risks or negative consequences.

According to research, nine out of ten smokers begin smoking before age eighteen. The average age a person begins Stephanie Nunez Professor: Hall- Crawford En Cause and Effect : Smoking Smoking is one of the main issues that mankind today is confronted with in the world.

Smoking is known to have started as early as A. Rodrigo de Jerez was the first ever smoker in Europe, and the development of cigars was originated by the Native American people.

In the twentieth century, cigars were advertised all over the world as a harmless, anti-stress product with little or no side effects. Smoking was eventually become widespread all over English-speaking continents and was even popular among women.

As technology became more advanced, cause and effect essay on smoking, the adverse effects of smoking on human health have increased exponentially. Researchers officially declared smoking as a harmful habit that in most of the cases is fatal. Much of temptation to start smoking is based on the advertising propaganda carried out by cigarette manufacturers, cause and effect essay on smoking.

People at home see the images of smoking people on their television screens, in newspapers, and magazines. Children are influenced by their parents and may be mislead to the thinking that smoking poses no danger. Statistics show that about nine out of Smoking causes are obvious it will ruin your health and give you series of health issues. Smoking causes heart diseases, blood pressure, series of cancers such as, lung cancer, mouth cancer and throat cancer.

I have noticed that many people in my cause and effect essay on smoking who smoked all their youth quit smoking in their forties after experiencing heart attacks.

This is all because of being addicted to nicotine. There are several brands of cigarettes and people assume some different brands will affect them less. The most health ruining cigarette is the menthol brands which not only gives you health problems like regular cigarette but also can cause a man impotency. Smoking does not only cause health issues, cause and effect essay on smoking in depth it makes you look bad in front of many people and own families.

Smokers can cause themselves as a cause and effect essay on smoking image human being since it represents their personality and make them smell bad. A husband who smokes while being CAUSES Cause and effect essay on smoking EFFECTS OF SMOKING p. First cause which is physical concerns the human body's needs.

Nicotine contained in cigarette is an addictive substance. It is the chemical which causes addiction. Nicotine reduces tension in the muscles and allows smokers to relax so they feel that they can relieve stress by smoking.

Nicotine can also have a calming effect on people who are anxious and worried. This is why it can bring a feeling of tranquility and help Sign Up. Sign In. Sign Up Sign In. Home Essays Cause and Effect of Smoking. Cause and Effect of Smoking Topics: CancerTobacco smokingSmoking Pages: 2 words Published: April 7, cause and effect essay on smoking, Continue Reading Please join StudyMode to read the full document.

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Cause and Effect of Smoking Essay - Words

cause and effect essay on smoking

Among the bad effect of smoking is smoker will be addicted, it can trigger discipline, affect the health and waste the money. First effect of smoking is it will make smoker become addicted to it. This is because, cigarettes have tobacco contains nicotine and it will causes addiction. Nicotine alters the balance of chemicals in your brain Jul 30,  · Smoking affects the body by turning the skin color yellow, producing an odor, and making the skin age faster. “ Smoking also causes diseases such as coronary heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and lung cancer” (Mehta) Feb 09,  · Smoking is the most dangerous, physiologically damaging substances used by man. In the final analysis, smoking is an element of stress/peer pressure along with nicotine and effects the body by causing death and/or bad health. Generally speaking there is no one real reason that causes people to blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins

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