· Another reason why school should start later is, it will help students stay out of trouble. “Later school days mean less unsupervised time for teenagers, meaning that bored youth would less likely to get in trouble” (Late 1). In some places, schools get out as early as To get out that early leaves students with a lot of time on their hand. If school were to start at a later time, it would mean that it would end at a later Persuasive Essay On Later School Start Time. Words | 4 Pages. Many people argue whether school start times should stay the same or become later in the day. Most students already don't get enough sleep during the night and that can affect their learning experience in school (Wahlstrom) Why School Should Start Later. School days are not supposed to start before a.m. This fact is supported by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine that links early school days to car accidents along the roads, depression among the young ones and increase in poor performances academically. Children struggle through the challenge of waking up very early in the morning so that they can be in
Why School Should Start Later Persuasive Essay - Pros & Cons
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Drowsy, exhausted students are often complaining about their school start times being way too early. Because they have to wake up so early, it makes the school day very exhausting for them. Teen tiredness is now considered to be a public health pandemic, school should start later persuasive essay. One reason school times should start later is because it will help students catch up on sleep. Research suggests that adolescents require about 8. To not get the recommended amount of sleep causes a repercussion on the human body and brain.
Lack of sleep increases students chances of depression and suicidal thoughts. It can also potentially weaken the immune system. The school day is hard enough on a child and not getting enough sleep does not make it any better. School starting later will benefit many teens on getting the rest they need in order to take on the challenging school day. Because those schools pushed back start times, it improved their students energy at school. Even pushing back the start time by just 30 minutes has helped a lot in students behavior.
Another reason why school should start later is, it will help students stay out of trouble. In some places, schools get out as early as To get out that early leaves students with a lot of time on their hand. If school were to start at a later time, it would mean that it would end at a later time. This could potentially help students stay out of trouble. To decrease the number of hours students have after school, it will help them stay occupied with their education.
If students obtain the correct amount of sleep it is known to increase their ability to learn. Students will show up to school with a more optimistic outlook on their education. To not get enough sleep, students show up to school very irritable and in a bad mood. When irritable, it causes students to lash out at people who do not deserve it, school should start later persuasive essay.
In the classroom, teachers struggle to teach their students when all they see is eyes that are half open or eyes that are not open at all, school should start later persuasive essay. Although there are many excellent and logical reasons as to why schools should start at a later time, there are also many logical reasons as to why it should not.
For school to start later, it would mean the students with after school jobs cannot put in as many hours as they would be able to if the school ours were left alone. Students are also involved in sports that require after school practices, school should start later persuasive essay. School getting out later means that practices will run later too.
Because the practices would run late it would leave students less time to complete homework, not to mention the students who live out of town and have a long drive to get home. If all schools delay the school start times it will help students catch up on sleep. It will help students stay out of trouble. And last but not least it will help students and their ability to learn. For students to get the required amount of sleep it will decrease the number of motor vehicle accidents.
Works Cited Boergers, Julie, and Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter. StudySaurus is run by school should start later persuasive essay uni-students that still get a kick out of learning new things. We hope to share these experiences with you. Stuck on Your Essay? Search For Search. Home Knowledge Base General Essays Why School Should Start Later Persuasive Essay. Was this material helpful? Yes No. Leave A Comment? Cancel Reply. About StudySaurus Community.
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Persuasive Essay: Why School Should Start School Later? Words | 2 Pages. School should start no earlier than 9 am and end no later than 3 pm. The idea from the CDC is that if we start school later in the morning that student will improve both physically and academically · Another reason why school should start later is, it will help students stay out of trouble. “Later school days mean less unsupervised time for teenagers, meaning that bored youth would less likely to get in trouble” (Late 1). In some places, schools get out as early as To get out that early leaves students with a lot of time on their hand. If school were to start at a later time, it would mean that it would end at a later · School should start later because kids brains don’t function until 10 am, kids aren't getting enough sleep and they need 9 or more hours of sleep. So, kids brains don't function until 10 a.m. Scientists took a class of kids and taught them a concept for 1 week. Then they tested on it right away in the morning. Most kids got a C or below
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