Essay on Florence Nightingale Words6 Pages Florence Nightingale was a legend in her lifetime and was one of the greatest pioneer's in nursing. She lived ninety years and accomplished many great things for the field of nursing Florence Nightingale Florence Nightingale, a well-educated nurse, was recruited along with 38 other nurses for service in a hospital called Scutari during the Crimean War in It was Nightingale's approaches to nursing that produced amazing results The dream of Florence Nightingale to serve as a nurse met reaction from both her family and the ethics of the profession. This is because the nursing career was only preserved for the men given that nursing was majorly practiced on war fronts
Florence Nightingales Environmental Theory Essay - Words
We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Words:Paragraphs: 28, Pages: Paper type: EssaySubject: Biography. Florence Nightingale helped make hospitals cleaner and more efficient, she helped make nursing an important, respected profession, and helped change the world around her florence nightingale essay a better, more caring place.
Would you like to be in a dirty, smelly hospital with fleas and rats? Would you want to have a nurse care for you who knows nothing about diseases or nursing? That woman was Florence Nightingale. Florence Nightingale was born on May 12,in Florence, Italy. She was named after the city that she was born in. Her mother loved gaiety, florence nightingale essay, and Florence, Italy had the reputation of being the gayest city in Europe.
She was born in Naples, Italy. Parthenope was florence nightingale essay named after the city she was born in.
Parthenope is Greek for Naples. Florence and Parthenope were seldom called by their full names. Florence was called Flo, and Parthenope was called Parthe or just Pop. They were both from England, florence nightingale essay. Her father was a Unitarian and a Whig who was involved in the anti-slavery movement. Florence nightingale essay use plagiarized sources. As a child, florence nightingale essay, Florence was very close to her father, who without a son, treated her as his friend and companion.
Both Florence and Parthenope florence nightingale essay born while they were on vacation in Italy. The Nightingales were a very rich and wealthy family. Flo and Pop grew up with a very privileged childhood. They had many gardens to play in, ponies to ride, and numerous cats, dogs, and birds to take care of. They lived in a large house in a town called Derbyshire, near London. Flo was not an ordinary florence nightingale essay. She was not naughty like every other child.
Instead, she was passionate, loving, strong-headed, and miserable, florence nightingale essay. She craved sympathy. She was a very cryptic child.
Florence thought that she was not like other people. She was scared that other children florence nightingale essay discover her secret. Florence was not happy living the rich life that she was. She was always in discontent, florence nightingale essay. To escape from this, she day-dreamed all of the time. Florence was very pretty like her mother. She had a very vivid and active imagination. She would day dream all of the time.
She imagined herself as a monster and as a great heroine. Flo and Pop were educated by their father. Their education was very thorough and classical, florence nightingale essay. Florence was very smart, and was especially good at math. Besides the fact that she loved to daydream, Florence loved florence nightingale essay write. She was always writing in her diary. When her diary was not with her, she wrote on small scraps of papers or anything that she florence nightingale essay get her hands on to write down her thoughts!
Many men liked Florence, and the man that she liked had asked her to marry him. She turned him down, as she did many others, because she did not want to live her life like her mother lived hers. She was always looking for a husband for Flo. Early on in her life, Florence knew that she was not an ordinary person. She wanted to do something that would make a difference. In the s, people in England were hungry. It was a very hard time for them.
Prisons and hospitals were overcrowded and dirty. During this time, Florence brought food to the hungry, florence nightingale essay, medicine to the sick, and clothing to the cold and naked. In Florence was twenty four years old. She decided that her calling was to work in a hospital. She was to help other people by being a nurse. They would not let Florence carry out her calling. Hospitals then were very dirty and smelly.
To relive their pain, many patients drank whiskey. Some of the nurses drank whiskey along with the injured and sick soldiers. There were close to no servants to cook and clean the hospitals. She became depressed because she could not do what God wanted her to do. She hardly slept. She lost weight. In her parents allowed her to go abroad and study the European hospital system. In she began training in nursing at the Institute of Saint Vincent de Paul in Alexandria, Egypt.
She was thirty one florence nightingale essay old, and she was finally carrying out her calling. The school that she went to to learn nursing was in Kaiserswerth, Florence nightingale essay. It florence nightingale essay called the Institute for Protestant Deaconesses. Early in the year Florence went to Paris, France.
She visited hospitals and watched doctors at work so that she could learn first-hand what it was like and what she must do. Late that same year Florence was made the superintendent of The Institution for the Care of Sick Gentlewomen. Florence always made certain that the hospitals were clean, florence nightingale essay, and she allowed anybody to come to the hospital that needed care, not just the members of the Church of England.
England joined the Crimean was against Russia in There were not enough hospital beds or doctors for the injured and sick soldiers. On October 15,the Secretary At War asked Florence Nightingale to choose a group of nurses and take them to Crimea to help with the sick and wounded soldiers.
Florence was happy to take on the task and within one week, Florence and her fleet of thirty eight nurses were on their way. When Florence arrived in Scutari, Turkey, she was shocked. She had never before seen such an unkempt hospital. The hospital was swarming with fleas, and rats were scurrying everywhere.
Since there were not enough beds to accommodate all of the injured and sick soldiers, they were lined up in the beds and on the floor, florence nightingale essay. The men were kept in rooms without blankets or decent food, florence nightingale essay. The soldiers remained unwashed and still in their dirty, bloody uniforms.
In these conditions, it was not surprising that in army hospitals, war wounds only accounted for one death in six. Diseases such as typhus, florence nightingale essay, cholera and dysentery were the main reasons why the death-rate was so high amongst wounded soldiers.
They interpreted her comments as an attack on them, and she was made to feel unwelcome. Florence received very little help from the military until she used her contacts at The Times to report details of the way that the British Army treated its wounded soldiers.
Nightingale was given the task of organizing the barracks hospital after the battle of Anchorman. Florence and the other nurses cleaned the hospital, prepared better food, and cared for the sick.
They turned the hospital around, and they even built another one. Florence cared for the wounded soldiers so much that every night she carried a lantern and walked from bed to bed for hours.
She wanted to make sure the soldiers were comfortable. As she passed their beds, and her shadow fell across the walls, some soldiers reached out to kiss it. They were very thankful that Florence had come to help them. Because of Florence and the other nurses, the mortality rate among the florence nightingale essay and the wounded was greatly reduced.
She worked very hard to make others happy. Because of all of her hard work, she florence nightingale essay sick herself in May, She was near death for two weeks. Fortunately, within a few months she recovered and was back to work.
Florence Nightingale
, time: 2:33Florence Nightingale Essay - Words | Bartleby
Florence Nightingale Essay Words | 5 Pages Florence Nightingale Florence Nightingale, a well-educated nurse, was recruited along with 38 other nurses for service in a hospital called Scutari during the Crimean War in It was Nightingale's approaches to The dream of Florence Nightingale to serve as a nurse met reaction from both her family and the ethics of the profession. This is because the nursing career was only preserved for the men given that nursing was majorly practiced on war fronts Sep 11, · Get Essay As a child, Florence was very close to her father, who without a son, treated her as his friend and companion. Florence’s mother, Fanny Nightingale, also came from a Unitarian family. Both Florence and Parthenope were born while they were on vacation in blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins
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